APB - Association Pharmaceutique Belge (French speaking website) https://www.apb.be/fr/corp/Pages/default.aspx
Awex - Agence Wallone pour l'Exportation / Wallonia.be https://www.awex.be/
Bachi - Belgian Association of the Consumer Healthcare Industry https://www.bachi.be/
BE-SUP - Food Supplement (French speaking website) https://be-sup.be/index.php/fr/complements-alimentaires
Belgian Bone Club (BBC) http://www.bbcbonehealth.org/
Belgian Foundation against Cancer (French speaking website) https://www.cancer.be/
BMJ - British Medical Journal https://www.bmj.com/
CBIP - Centre Belge d'Information Pharmacotherapeutique (French speaking website) https://www.cbip.be/fr/
CNN - Medical news https://edition.cnn.com/health
e-Health.be (French speaking website) https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/fr/propos-esante
ECTS - European Calcified Tissue Society https://ectsoc.org/about-ects/
European Medicines Agency (EMA) https://www.ema.europa.eu/en
FAMHP - Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products https://www.famhp.be/en
FASFC - Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain https://www.fasfc.be/
FEBOP - Federation of Belgian Online Pharmacies https://www.febop.be/presentation/
Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - FoodSupp https://www.health.belgium.be/en/
Federal Public Service Social Security https://socialsecurity.belgium.be/en
FIT - Flanders Investment & Trade https://www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com/nl/
Folia Pharmacotherapeutica (French speaking website) https://www.cbip.be/fr/folias
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) https://www.fda.gov/
IOF - International Osteoporosis Foundation https://www.iofbonehealth.org/
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama
Medicines Information https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc
Medscape https://www.medscape.com
NEJM - The New England Journal Of Medecine https://www.nejm.org/
Pharma.be - Association Générale de l’Industrie du Médicament https://pharma.be/fr/
Sciensano https://www.sciensano.be/en
The Lancet https://www.thelancet.com/
Vitamin D Society https://www.vitamindsociety.org/
APB - Association Pharmaceutique Belge (French speaking website) https://www.apb.be/fr/corp/Pages/default.aspx
Bachi - Belgian Association of the Consumer Healthcare Industry https://www.bachi.be/
BE-SUP - Food Supplement (French speaking website) https://be-sup.be/index.php/fr/complements-alimentaires
Belgian Bone Club (BBC) http://www.bbcbonehealth.org/
CBIP - Centre Belge d'Information Pharmacotherapeutique (French speaking website) https://www.cbip.be/fr/
ECTS - European Calcified Tissue Society https://ectsoc.org/about-ects/
European Medicines Agency (EMA) https://www.ema.europa.eu/en
FAMHP - Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products https://www.famhp.be/en
FASFC - Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain https://www.fasfc.be/
FEBOP - Federation of Belgian Online Pharmacies https://www.febop.be/presentation/
Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - FoodSupp https://www.health.belgium.be/en/
Federal Public Service Social Security https://socialsecurity.belgium.be/en
Folia Pharmacotherapeutica (French speaking website) https://www.cbip.be/fr/folias
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) https://www.fda.gov/
IOF - International Osteoporosis Foundation https://www.iofbonehealth.org/
Pharma.be - Association Générale de l’Industrie du Médicament https://pharma.be/fr/
Sciensano https://www.sciensano.be/en
Vitamin D Society https://www.vitamindsociety.org/
CNN - Medical news https://edition.cnn.com/health
Medicines Information https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc
BMJ - British Medical Journal https://www.bmj.com/
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama
NEJM - The New England Journal Of Medecine https://www.nejm.org/
The Lancet https://www.thelancet.com/
Belgian Foundation against Cancer (French speaking website) https://www.cancer.be/
e-Health.be (French speaking website) https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/fr/propos-esante
Awex - Agence Wallone pour l'Exportation / Wallonia.be https://www.awex.be/
FIT - Flanders Investment & Trade https://www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.com/nl/